How do I create a certificate type?

Learn how to create and edit certificate types in your OneTeam360 account.

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Use OneTeam360 certificates to stay compliant and on top of upcoming expiration dates. You can create, manage, assign and track external certificates—here's how. 

First, add in your different types of certificates by navigating to the Menu List from System Management in the drop-down menu under your profile picture. 

To edit or inactivate a certificate, click the pencil and circle icon under Action.  Edit cert_desktop

When creating or editing a certificate, remember that you can add in a URL within the internal description, so employees easily know where to navigate to when they're ready to complete it.

Upload a pic of the external certificate and voila! Stay on track and stay compliant without the hassle of having to look up individual expirations—it's all there in the app!

external cert view_mobile  view certificate_mobile