How Do Competitions Work?

Learn how to create and use competitions using OneTeam360.

Competitions can be a fun and exciting way to drive team performance and engagement. 

During competitions, users earn points the same way as usual. Those points are added to their profiles each day with point totals increasing. Within the competition Leaderboard page, participants will see their points earned during that period and how they stack up against everyone else. When not in active competitions, users can only see their own points and levels in OneTeam360. By increasing the visibility of points among staff they can clearly see who are the top performers and can compete with each other to win. It also levels the playing field between different team members, for example, allowing someone who has been with you for 2 weeks to compete with someone who has been on staff for 2 years. 

You can create competitions from the OneTeam360 web application for any length of time, and include as many participants as you like. Give it a name, set dates, and choose participants based on job type, location, or name before saving. After the competition start date, participants will see a competition banner on their mobile dashboard which will link to the leaderboard where they can compare points they are earning vs. other participants during the competition period. 
At the end of the competition, participants will be notified of the results and who won, and the same will be visible on the Competition page where it shows recent winners and previous results. It's up to you to decide whether winning should come with anything beyond in-app recognition and whether other results have any significance. You could include this in the description if you'd like participants to know what they're shooting toward, but otherwise, competitions would be celebrated off-platform. 
Because points in competition accrue from points on team member profiles, we do not recommend picking "rules" for the competition outside of tracking points through interactions, skills, or notes as this would be difficult to track over time.